

My name is Briana, and I’m the wizard behind the curtain here at Beach Ave Boxers. I live with my husband Shane, three Boxers, and three kitties in south-central Wisconsin. I’ll give you a little back story of how we came to be, and why we’re here.

How did I get into Boxers?

My husband’s family has had generations of Boxers, while my upbringing was almost dog-free. When we bought our first house in 2021, the first thing I thought of when I saw our picket fence was “I can’t wait to get a dog.” Two months after moving in, I surprised my husband with a Boxer puppy (Bowie). I figured with his own personal experience, memories, and fondness of the breed…this would be the perfect fit for our family. I had stars in my eyes of our family having its own tradition of owning generations of Boxers-Boxers around the Christmas tree “helping” open presents, Boxers being in the way in the kitchen while we prepare Thanksgiving dinner, Boxers menacing every squirrel, rabbit, and bird that has the guts to step foot onto our yard, and Boxers snuggling every one of our family members while they sleep at night. Turns out, I was right about all of those things…. sort of.

Bowie was the perfect addition to our family!

He was there for Christmas, in the way in the kitchen, barked at the animals outside, and (after mastering his crate training) snuggled us to sleep. What I wasn’t prepared for, and what people don’t always warn you about, is that at Christmas a Boxer will help you not only open your presents…but try to take them, claim them as their own, play with them, eat them, and lose them under the couch. Bowie let us know that he’d not only be in the way during the preparation of Thanksgiving dinner, but any time you are in the kitchen. Or the hallway. Or the bathroom. Or anywhere. They’re stage 5 clingers! I didn’t realize that although Bowie would grow into an 85-lb slab of menacing muscle, he was hard-pressed to even think about hurting a fly. A bird, a toad, heck…even a leaf was met with inquisitive high-pitched barks and pogo stick-like jumps rather than growls or snapping. And yes, Bowie did eventually find his way into our bed. However, his warning label did not explicitly mention the snoring, the drooling, or the fact that somehow he needs the entire king-sized bed and we’d become the big spoons.

I was smitten…♡

The Boxer breed is overwhelming. I had never met a dog that was so happy, strong, courageous, intelligent, funny, mischievous, and all-around weird. And it is NOT just my Bowie. The more you meet, the more you realize it’s definitely a “Boxer-thing”. These dogs are some of the craziest clowns you will come across. They are stubborn as all hell, a little dopey, and the most loving dog you will ever have. Once you have one, you’re hooked. You will never go back, and that’s a guarantee!

Why I wanted to start Beach Ave Boxers:

Since we got our first puppy (Bowie), I’ve been completely infatuated with everything Boxer. The history of the breed, the personality quirks, their genetics…it’s all just so fascinating to me. I love learning about these dogs, and I love spending time with them even more. There is never a dull moment in our home thanks to these pooches, and I want to be a part of bringing that joy to other homes!

Our goal at Beach Ave Boxers is to have healthy, trained, well-rounded dogs of our own that will produce the perfect addition to your family. Between our puppy parents and our own family, we will strive to raise your puppies with the best foundation possible, according to five pillars that we believe are essential to the perfect Boxer puppy: Health, Temperament, Type, Purpose, and Value. With these priorities in mind, we can’t wait to share some puppies with you and welcome you to the Beach Ave family!