
Beach Ave Boxers includes a Health & Buy-Back Guarantee with each and every Beach Ave Boxer puppy. This is meant to give you some peace of mind about your new pup and advocate for our commitment to the health and wellness of our dogs.

Health Guarantee

We guarantee your Beach Ave Boxer puppy’s life for 2 years from its date of birth against life-threatening congenital or hereditary defects and conditions.

Buy-Back Guarantee

In the unlikely event that your puppy is found to be affected by one of these conditions, we offer full refunds, a replacement puppy, or financial assistance toward condition-related expenses.

Rehoming Commitment

If at any time you cannot maintain ownership of your puppy, Beach Ave Boxers will take it back or assist in rehoming it at no cost. This term does not expire nor does it have an age limit. We will always take our dogs back or help rehome them, with no questions asked. Financial compensation is also available in these events.

You can view the full version of our Health & Buy-Back Guarantee here.