
We’re honored you want to visit us and explore your puppy’s first home! We completely understand how important it is for you to feel comfortable and confident in where your Beach Ave Boxer is raised. At this time, we only offer home visits to waitlist families and approved applicants for the reasons outlined below.

First and foremost, our house is our HOME. We don’t have an offsite kennel or runs outside. Keep in mind that the home your puppy is being raised in is also our own. All of our family members deserve to have privacy and feel safe at home. This applies to our animals as well. Our dogs may be friendly, but strangers and unfamiliar faces can be stressful. Respectfully, my family’s safety and comfort come first, and that includes all of my furbabies.

Secondly, and just as important to me, we have limited visitation to protect the health of our dogs and your puppies. Puppies have volatile immune systems that haven’t been given the opportunity to fully develop yet. They are extremely susceptible to infectious diseases and parasites. We take every precaution we can to keep your puppies happy and healthy, and I will not jeopardize their health with unnecessary visits. This goes for my dogs as well. Although all of our dogs are appropriately vaccinated and protected against parasites, things like kennel cough and Parvo are highly contagious and easily transmissible with the latter potentially being fatal. Parvo is also extremely difficult to eliminate from an environment once it’s been introduced and I need to keep our home clean and free from bacteria/viruses.

I truly appreciate your dedication to ensuring your puppies are being raised in a safe and healthy environment. This is why I have this policy in place…to keep everyone safe and healthy. Technology offers amazing possibilities for us to connect and allow you to virtually visit and experience the Beach Ave Boxer home life. Updates are frequently posted on Facebook and our Instagram is updated daily with pictures and videos of our Beach Ave crew. We can do live video calls via Facebook, Instagram, Zoom, or any other platform as well. We’re 100% transparent at Beach Ave and I am more than happy to give you the grand tour (even if that means you’re going to see the laundry I haven’t folded or the shelves that need to be dusted). I’ll do whatever I can to make sure you’re familiar with us, our home environment, and comfortable with Beach Ave Boxers.

Thank you for your understanding,

-Briana, Owner

Who can visit?

If you’d like to visit prior to taking your puppy home at 8 weeks, visits are available exclusively to waitlist families and clients with approved applications at or after 6 weeks of age.

How will the visit go?

Visitors will be required to wash their hands and sanitize. We’ll also ask that you wear booties (we’ll provide) similar to those you’d wear at an open house. This is to reduce the risk of bacteria or viruses being brought in from your shoes. If more than one family is interested in visiting, we try to coordinate visits at the same time to reduce the number of outside influences on our environment.

What else should I know?

We do not allow other dogs to visit. As much as we’d love to see your pooch, this is also to protect the puppies and prevent unnecessary exposure prior to full vaccination. If you bring your dog, we ask that they remain in your vehicle while on our property.

PLEASE inform us before your visit if you’ve been to another kennel or boarding facility recently.